Ufi Vision and Mission

Our vision, mission and thinking

We are Ufi VocTech Trust

We champion the power of technology to improve skills for work and deliver better outcomes for all.

We act as a funding partner and essential friend to innovators in skills development, looking to help people progress in the workplace.

We catalyse a fundamental shift in how individuals, employers and UK society view, embrace and benefit from vocational skills development through digital innovation.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where vocational skills are celebrated and valued by all as the engine upon which the UK economy is built, and where development of those skills is made possible by the best technology solutions, providing easier access, greater opportunity and better outcomes for all.

Theory of Change.png

Explore the Ufi vision in our Theory of Change (.pdf)

Our Mission

Ufi supports the development of digital technologies that help us all obtain the vocational skills we need to get more out of our working lives.

We deliver our mission by:

  • Providing funding, expertise and commitment to innovators in vocational technology (VocTech)
  • Building an active VocTech community of educators, developers, designers, employers, investors and policy makers – sparking discussion and debate amongst them
  • Using our funding to catalyse change in attitude, focus and investment in VocTech in the UK

Fundamentally, we are interested in delivering positive change through vocational education for individuals, for businesses and for UK society overall.

The beliefs that shape the way we think

We believe that every individual and employer can benefit from the acquisition of new skills, so that everyone has the opportunity to progress, to know the satisfaction of a job well done and to positively contribute to a better future for us all.

We believe in a very different approach to developing skills for work, where digital vocational technology (VocTech) is an enabler for a more flexible, engaging learning experience and for delivering improved learning outcomes.

We believe that through harnessing the best in digital technologies, the UK will develop a world-class vocational education system which will be the foundation of a thriving economy. We believe that through supporting better learning for work in all sectors the opportunities for personal, business and societal growth are immense.

We believe we have a particular role in supporting sectors, locations, skills levels and individuals that have not been well served by traditional or mainstream provision.

We are catalysts for a better future

How we deliver

Ufi is a relatively small organisation with a disproportionately large effect on the sector.

We are effective not just by doing things ourselves – we create the right conditions where others can also succeed.

We are happy that we cannot control everything and we welcome unexpected outcomes. There is risk in all innovation.

Strategy & Delivery Plan